Monday, February 29, 2016

Toxic Load Checklist

Now that you know a little about the detoxification systems, here are some signs that your detoxification pathways may not be working at optimal levels.

Respiratory Dysfunction Checklist
Mucous producing cough
Aware of irregular or heavy breathing
Discomfort at high altitudes
Sigh frequently or “air hunger”
Shortness of breath with moderate exertion

Digestion Dysfunction Checklist
Hypochlorhydria- too little stomach acid
Indigestion, burping, bloating or sleepy immediately after meals
Heartburn or acid reflux symptoms
Nausea in evenings
Proteins hard to digest, complex meals hard to digest (combination of proteins and carbs)
Sense of excess fullness after meals
Feel like skipping breakfast, overall low appetite
Undigested food in stool
Lower Digestive tract
Anemia, unresponsive to iron
Coating on tongue
Fungus or yeast infections
Less than one bowel movement a day
Constipation, stools hard or difficult to pass
Irritable bowel or mucous colitis
Cramping in lower abdominal region
History of parasites

Liver and Gallbladder Dysfunction Checklist
Pain between shoulder blades
Stomach upset by fatty or fried foods
Loose stools with fatty foods, irregular stools, fat in stools (shiny, floating)
Dry skin, itchy feet or skin peels on feet
Gallbladder attacks
Gallbladder removed
Bitter taste in mouth, especially after meals
Easily intoxicated or hung if you were to drink wine
Pain under right side of rib cage

Overall Toxin Checklist
Do you rarely break out into a sweat?
Do you use aluminum cooking equipment?
Do you have mercury amalgams?
Do you have your clothes dry-cleaned?
Do you eat “fast-food”  > 2 times a week
Do you drink tap, well or bottled water?
Do you have strong body odor?
Do you drink < 4 cups water a day (approximately 30 oz)
Do you live in a large urban or industrial area?
Do you use lawn or garden chemicals?
Do you sit on your computer 3+ hours a day?
Do you exercise < 3 times a week?
Do you use tobacco products?
Do you eat large fish (sword fish, tuna, shark, tilefish) more than once a week?
Do you urinate small amounts of dark urine only a few times a day?
Are you frequently exposed to solvents and chemicals at work or at home?
When you drink coffee or other substances containing caffeine, do you feel any of the following:
wired, increased aches in muscles and joints, anxiety, palpitations, sweating, dizziness?
Do you have a reaction when you consume foods containing MSG, sulfites or other preservatives?

Tomorrow I'll be posting some suggestions for improving your detoxification systems.

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